

🌸artist in gamedev/ illustrator / graphic designer / figure skating/ harry potter/ attack on titan/ lotr/ stranger things/ bookworm /

フォロー数:287 フォロワー数:129

Sasha + Anya = friends🍂🍁
Warm echoes of summer, the sound of shoes on the asphalt, the blue September sky. How beautiful these moments are.

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🔥Your hair is winter fire,
January embers
My heart bums there, too
(С) King S. "It "

P.S. Quick sketch of the beauty Alexandra Trusova and the most productive 38 min

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3. ...forgotten languages. But despite all her knowledge, she could not apply them, since she spent most of the time in the palace and could only hear incredible stories from travels and stories about military campaigns in neighboring lands.

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1. They say that in all Icemore there is no more inquisitive person than the young princess Annikka The second hereditary daughter of the appanage princes from the Eterias dynasty. She always differed from her peers with her lively mind and clean, childishly gentle look.

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HYPNOTIC NIGHT🖤#mayakhromykh
Luxurious, elegant, charming Maya in a short program. The movements of her arms and body are mesmerizing like hypnosis🌙

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Я не стримила по с 9 января. Как же я соскучилась! Буду рада видеть Вас на своей трансляции в 20:00 (Мск)

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