I Rate Fishes🐡さんのプロフィール画像

I Rate Fishes🐡さんのイラストまとめ

Got fishes? We’ll rate 'em!
Fishy facts with a few anthropomorphisms thrown in.
(Icon by @heyhoneyguts on Instagram!)

フォロー数:60 フォロワー数:550

Blackfin tuna(Thunnus atlanticus): This popular torpedo-shaped sportfish forms large schools with other fishes to pursue prey. They can grow up to 21 kg, 1 m long, & may live past 5 years! Enjoys gossiping at brunch, always looks surprised. 10/10

Illustration ©Duane Raver, Jr.

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Eulachon(Thaleichthys pacificus): The largest Pacific North American Smelt, this anadromous fish is also known as the "candlefish" because of its oily flesh- prepared properly, a dried eulachon can actually be used as a candle! Illuminating. 10/10

Photo: NOAA Fisheries

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California Sheephead(Semicossyphus pulcher): Diurnal, carnivorous, lives in kelp beds & rocky coral. Might bite if you swim too close. Looks like someone ran a squeegee down its midsection. Probably hates taking baths. 10/10 (Art by )

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Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus): planktivorous, 2nd biggest shark species, intimidating but probably very shy, its favorite music is Gregorian chants. Also known as hoe-mother. This nickname makes it blush. Bashful fish is excellent fish. 10/10.

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