

Lab Rat, Casual Gamer, Comedian, Voice Actress, Comic Artist, Trash Streamer, YouTube Pole Dancer -- Proud owner of 2 YouTube Channels for over 15 years 🎮

フォロー数:116 フォロワー数:320

He's harmless.......for the most part.

Mass Effect 2, tomorrow at 17:00!

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The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, αύριο στις 16:00!

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New kids on the block!

Mass Effect 2, tomorrow at 17:00!

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Τα κάνει όλα και συμφέρει.

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, αύριο στις 16:00!

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Άντε γεια!

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, αύριο στις 16:00!

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Γιατρέ μου, θα ζήσω;

Remember Me, αύριο στις 16:00!

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Hospital cliché? Bring it on.

Deadlight, tomorrow at 17:00!

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Familiar faces.

Mass Effect 2, tomorrow at 17:00!

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Ρε 'συ, αυτά κουνιούνται από μόνα τους...

Remember Me, αύριο στις 16:00!

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Τόσο ξύλο ούτε στο δημοτικό.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, αύριο στις 16:00.

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