

life is short, but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time | #COYS | @zero_art64 ☄️

フォロー数:274 フォロワー数:113

Also, I remember being at a mall (or maybe a hotel) in China when I was 6 riding something like this, in a room that very much looked like this

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Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of slimes barfing up 5 tons of firewood...

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The pure joy Shirase experiences seeing a penguin cannot be matched by anything. Except maybe Mio going to Natsu Fest

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Ruka deserves better

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Ruka I beg you. Literally anything would be better than this, just date a defibrillator for something if you want your heart-rate to go up

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Is she trying to give her what I think she's trying to give her? Isn't Ichigo supposed to be like 12?

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This show is so stupid and I can't stop watching it

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Every time there's a waifu with animal ears in an isekai there's a +60% chance she's a slave to someone, usually the protagonist. And WHY does every MC just accept that slaves are a thing and go along with it?

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This guys puts even Kazuma to shame. Not sure what else I expected, it's call "Harem in the Labyrinth" for a reason

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