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It's getting harder and harder to remember now.😵‍💫

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93 634

I was going to post my drawing as is, but before I knew it, little Nanook was guarding Yaoshi's butt, as if he didn't want anyone to see it. 🤣
I posted a version of the drawing with the little Nanook slightly shifted in position at poipiku.

21 181

Thank you! I am just exploring the sumeru area with this team member!
wanderer's mobility skills have always helped me! We are so glad to have him!
I still have a lot of work to do, but I will work hard on the exploration work with them! 🥰

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I understand that it's my fault for not being able to explore, but I'm getting sick of putting map pins on it, and I feel the pain of having to explore every little detail....
I want to learn how to have fun exploring.... 😭

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Comfortable sleeping.💤

74 391

If you try to kidnap them, their brother will be furious!🤣

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He seems happy to hear that.🐍💖

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78 449

Thank you. I will recuperate slowly.🥰

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