

21, He/Him | Addict for DMC, Bionicle, Halo, Transformers and a bunch of other shit. Literally Miles Morales | #JOYCONBOYZFOREVER🖤 Pfp by @funkylum

フォロー数:1912 フォロワー数:1293

Yes I like Bionicle how could you tell

51 477

I just remembered there’s a video of me mixing every drink at McDonald’s that one time

0 13

Bro the concept art for Spider-Man Web Of Shadows goes off so hard

4 37

The comic book covers that i tried with the best of my ability

0 3

The Robot Chozo Soldiers have an arm blade
Something the Space Pirates also had
Could just be a coincidence but still wanted to point it out
Samus should get an arm blade soon just saying

0 3

Please come back

0 6

Dude Metroid Dread comes out in 33 days
You guys don’t know how excited I am for this game man
You’re not gonna hear from me for a bit cause I’ll be busy playing this lmao

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