참빼미 Sparrowlさんのプロフィール画像

참빼미 Sparrowlさんのイラストまとめ

■Patreon : patreon.com/sparrowl19
■pixiv : SPARROWL pixiv.net/users/17311392

フォロー数:1044 フォロワー数:365744

Ever dream 6화가 픽시브에 업로드 되었습니다!!
공지도 잘 읽어주세요!!

(7화는 패트리온에 4월 중순에 업로드 될 예정입니다.)

Episode 6 of Ever dream has been uploaded to Pixiv!!
Please read the notice carefully!!

(Episode 7 will be uploaded to Patreon in mid-April.)

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After I finish drawing those I ‘insist’, I will be back to draw others. Speaking of which, I already posted this announcement. And still, there are too many asking about it. (2/3)

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Bison Minotauress Comics is currently hiatus due to drawing Ever Dream series. Since there are tons of stories I would like to draw, I don’t want to arm-twist to draw specific comics because everyone prefers them. (1/3)

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방송에서 받은 리퀘스트들

137 1034