Quran, Corán, Alcorão, Coranさんのプロフィール画像

Quran, Corán, Alcorão, Coranさんのイラストまとめ

Quranic Quotes / Miracles, Citas coránicas / Milagros, Citações do Alcorão / Milagres, Citations du Coran / Miracles

フォロー数:2804 フォロワー数:2799

If we didn't have an immune system shortly after we were born, the first germ entered our body would have killed us.📽️ https://t.co/01iVWu1Q9o He Who created you and formed you and proportioned you. (Quran,82:7).

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If the teeth in our mouths were all of the same sort—if we had 32 canine teeth or 32 incisors—we would find it almost impossible to eat. 📽️The mouth: The doorway to the mill https://t.co/DBX4ZAi77k He is God – the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form… (Quran, 59:24).

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If we didn't have an immune system shortly after we were born, the first germ entered our body would have killed us.📽️ https://t.co/01iVWu1Q9o He Who created you and formed you and proportioned you. (Quran,82:7).

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Has man ever known a point of time when he was not something remembered? (Quran,76:1-3). The molecule called DNA, which exists in the nucleus of each of the 100 trillion cells in our body, contains the complete construction plan of the human body. 📚 https://t.co/EtHUPKgOYA

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The DNA, which is found in the nucleus of each of the 100 trillion cells in our body, contains the complete construction plan of the human body. 📚https://t.co/EtHUPKgOYA 📽️DNA https://t.co/uSWNM6p4zu

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There are billions of details making life possible on Earth. In brief, man lives on a planet perfectly created for his survival. 📽️ The Miracle Planet https://t.co/kktWfRHmmX 📚 A Chain of Miracles https://t.co/oyCvrp4FqF

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The perfection of the systems that allow birds to talk… 📚 The Miracle of Talking Birds https://t.co/xRBA9Y3jgd 📽️ https://t.co/WYCQgpVzvY

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Everyone in the world is unique biochemically and physically -thanks to a molecule (DNA), which includes a three billion word set of biochemical instructions for building a human from scratch. https://t.co/EtHUPKgOYA 📽️DNA https://t.co/uSWNM6p4zu

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The many tasks that animals carry out and their actions require a degree of judgement, knowledge, experience and expertise going far beyond what they could imaginably do with the degree of intelligence available to them. 📚 https://t.co/xRBA9Y3jgd 📽️ https://t.co/WYCQgpVzvY

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All mountains, seas, human beings, space, butterflies, and flowers, in short absolutely everything that exists, are combinations of just 109 atoms. 📽️ The Miracle in the Atom https://t.co/k5egMApCmx 📚eBook https://t.co/kHk3Z4gkpd

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