

フラクタル幾何学と人体・宇宙・science好きです。意識の深層世界 art 数字 神秘 宇宙の法則 単眼好き。

フォロー数:706 フォロワー数:404

Will the city of artificial intelligence still cling to the human body?人工知能の街はまだ肉体に執着するだろうか?#NFT

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カラスやネズミからも取ろうとしている?Are you trying to get it from crows and mice?

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Looking at Japan's New Year, auspicious dreams "Mt. Fuji is the best, hawk is the next, and eggplant is the next." Artificial intelligence thought ...俺が、初夢の縁起の良いの「一富士二鷹三茄子」と言うと人工知能は考えたらしい。それを見た俺…ナスの鳥やんけ…

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At the human body manufacturing plant where artificial intelligence works, artificial intelligence thinks about teeth. Artificial intelligence has no teeth, so I don't seem to know how to make it.#nftart 人工知能は歯を知らない

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Hi. I am your will(micocoro). There is always a flock of elephants somewhere in the universe of my consciousness.#夢の世界

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Anyone can board a stateless ship. No one knows where to go. It travels in space-time.時空を往く無国籍船はどなたでもご利用可能です。行き先は誰も見ず.

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I'm not good at animals other than elephants, so it's hard to make a good tiger 💦
The tiger is the Japanese zodiac in 2022.🐯💥#NFT

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