

Arcade Cryptid☣️90's anime wormhole☢️analog lifestyle☣️DDR & SDVX
non-binary (they/whatever)
🍌Runs @kongsthatwerent

フォロー数:464 フォロワー数:215

Deaths Dynamic Shroud NUWD has been promoted to DKLF!

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also today on DND; We full on blast a vampire with a solar ray like Django The Solar Boy

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*woeful moaning noises*

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Im trying to get a good pic of her but my glamour is yet incomplete... This is how im tryna be tho.

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Discovered Amaori Tatsuki and i'm appreciating.🥰
(Im trying to make my ff14 character look like the girl in the black outfit now!)

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Retroblazer (furry doom clone) just posted after a near decade hiatus and im shitting myself

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I vacilated on the subject for a whole but i think i am also in the battlebikini camp. Like wear what u wanna wear but have you SEEN MARIS THE CHOJO??

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*siiiiigh* cant unsee it...

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