

Art director | Sometimes Music and Illustration | prev. @Meta @PlayVS @72andSunny | 🫔

フォロー数:327 フォロワー数:288

Also the main character has a Spotify page too which is so cool if in case you fall in love with any of the music

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I don't even like Kingdom Hearts all that much but this character design is perfect in every way

His dumb yellow shoes with the 00's airbubble, his huge cartoon hands with white fingerless gloves, his powerful color scheme that says "Yeah i'm a cartoon character, keep scrolling"

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Hyped for Advance Wars 1+2 and it’s a day 1 purchase, but the line work just looks… off? Overly polished and not as full of life as Ryo Hirata’s base artwork

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Thinking of him

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Imagine how amazing Animal Crossing would be if they hired Boku no Natsuyasumi's Kaz Ayabe to direct one

Just the vibiest, most chill digital escapism imaginable

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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Shu Takumi, 2001)

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Today is the best JRPG release day in years. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered, one of the most imaginative RPGs ever with the greatest FF soundtrack of all time. MOON a quirky cult classic PS1 anti-rpg FINALLY translated in English.


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