

Illustrator • Visual Artist • Avid storyteller and pop culture enthusiast • I’m less serious on Twitter • RTs ≠ Endorsements • From Cairo, based in Dubai

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# ootd

Every once in a while, my mind wanders back to the second season of Fleabag and how perfect it was.

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Today’s – light mint tshirt, loose black jeans with a 90s vibe and black boots. All from cause yours truly has little time to shop these days.

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Today’s – V-neck shirt, mom jeans from and black boots. First day back to the office (physically).

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I’m finally out of quarantine. Feels funny to be wearing shoes for the first time in 10 days.

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– Still quarentined but decided I’d wear my old red dress anyway. Hair up I’m a pineapple.

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I really like drinking herbal tea made of flowers I can’t/won’t pronounce.

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Saw an episode of the Office where Pam eats a donut, so I ordered donuts.

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