

My pronouns are Java/Javascript

フォロー数:238 フォロワー数:187

Ini crushku dulu~ 1 tahun kemudian jadi ayank deh xixixi 🥰

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Abbie's charm with her handsome bodyguards on the red carpet ✨#AbbieBase

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Mba mba darah Italia ini!

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Last but not least, Neil Patrick Harris (Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother) as Yohannes Danson

Belum ada gambar yang bagus dari karakter satu ini. But i can't help doing this!

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1. Jenna Fischer (Pam Beesly from The Office) as Amira Amalika,
2. Alison Brie (Annie Edison from Community) as Candice 'Candy' Larisson,
3. Elizabeth Gillies (Jade from Victorious) as Morgan Filipelli

OMG The're soo stunning 🥰😍

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