

아포방포 🐱🐰 {warning: hyyh, daechwita and haegeum enthusiasts only beyond this point} ao3: monoxxide {+18}

フォロー数:337 フォロワー数:20127

yoongi remains the same, just as jeongguk remembers him from school. the same serious face, the same dark circles. the same pale lips. the same bitten nails.

"hyung. i finally found you."

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yoongi calling jungkook in his most vulnerable moments just before doing something crazy because he is the only one who can calm him down and remind him he has something to live for. but falling again when he realizes jungkook is not alone now, and finally doing well without him

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i love love too 🥺🥺 good morning chima and tbank you sososo much for reading it

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lemme find something for it

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11 April, year 22

"I felt dizzy. I stretched out my arms to regain my balance. It was only one step. If I took one more step, everything would end.

That was the moment at which my phone rang. My dulled senses returned in an instant. I pulled out my phone. It was Yoongi hyung."

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