

artist person thing | 🇮🇹 | aroace | he/him || runs @amgryburds |minor so nsfw accounts fuck off| artist on @funkybirds | i post once every blue moon lmao

フォロー数:1843 フォロワー数:545

New OC!
This is Francisco García!
He was a stunt performer, but was killed in an accident involving fireworks. He made a deal with Satan so that he could have a second chance, but his head was transformed into a flame. Now he's CY's bf and is a chill dude that plays the guitar.

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And finally...
This is The Onion, a scheming alien species that got to Earth, but they now live peacefully as pets.
The Onionz may look cute and cuddly, but have really deep voices, can automatically speak new languages and can be really aggressive just to get some food. (8/8)

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This is CYnthia Jones!
She is a crazy masked bounty hunter hunting for P, O and Y because of past events.
CY loves melee like katanas, axes and hammers; but barely barely does any harm, she wears a mask because she's really insecure about her looks. (7/8)

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This is S.A.T.!
He is a shapeshifting alien telescope found by Kevin on his planet, after meeting they suddenly bond and go travel the universe.
S.A.T.'s abilities (like cloning) always lead to trouble. (Also Kevin and S.A.T. are gay for eachother lol) (6/8)

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