

Eng/中文 ♀️ (antisocial asf) Infp- I draw ヽ(;▽;)ノ (sometime 🔞) Currently obsess with Yandere visual novels

フォロー数:185 フォロワー数:7767

So i did a thing :)
✨human-ish hilichurl✨
More coming soon😌👌🏼

34 238

Oc design, I have no thought on the gender what-so ever i just cant-😂

15 132

✨Banana Fish✨i finish the anime, and all i got to say is just WHY Q-Q

37 282

Obey me-Diavolo and one random one for you guys 😏

224 1268

Top hat demon inspired Mc ( ´ ▽ ` )

86 674