Szabó J Gergelyさんのプロフィール画像

Szabó J Gergelyさんのイラストまとめ

2DArtist,Visual Storyteller,G Composer🇭🇺Jóutatkísérjenlábatok!Jeltervező asylum) from A 137 Z reflection

フォロー数:275 フォロワー数:322

Κίρκη (in progress)

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{Light Encoded Dragon Society} leds

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Yep, she is also MK Ultraed..

("The way this was used for programming is that guard alters are made out of kittens..")

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* just checking iiin for a moment Pler!!😁 "Hello Angels+ Where is Tlön? Also hi, Sentients 👋 Uqbar, good night, byee 😹😇🧜‍♀️ Project B.wqaiting meee 🌌 tn

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Light schwunging with symmetry again while painting😂 but I would keep the colors 🤔 (...and there is always so much beauty in asymmetry tbh 🤗 or is this too weird for you?🤪 I saw a deep sadness on the left: 🥲 an emotive turbulence (🌀_👁‍🗨)

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I saw her nearby.😎💧☺️ {"Mi szél hozott, νοῦς?"}

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New and quick characters, we had a good time..😄

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🧐duckted tape😂 💅urban
Peasant Baroque, an

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