

フォロー数:1271 フォロワー数:838049

what are we gunna do abt plastic

5108 35675

when you meet up for closure

1697 17198

me waiting for a happy pride text vs my dad waiting for a father's day text

4122 49477

representation matters...

1344 7449

happy black history month to these iconic black animated characters

6665 17783

me @ my unhealthy thought/behavior patterns after consistent therapy

4361 15590

roses are red
the future is bleak
he bread too big for he goddamn beak

738 2876

kids these days listening to TRASH. xxxplaystation. little uzi fert. nobody remembers the hits....

2307 5547

me before and after learning how the prison industrial complex and american policing as a whole is an extension of slavery

12269 35531