

Just a soft paladin clad in sweaters and scarves, brandishing an overlarge mug of coffee and trying his very best. He/Him.

フォロー数:892 フォロワー数:1314

personally attacking me and my friendships.

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Your insights about gaming, narrative, and storytelling have all been really valuable to me. And beyond that, you are a deeply compassionate person and I always need more of those in my life. And here’s a photo of Mocha cuddled up next to me when I woke up the other morning.

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Same, but this is cuddled up next to me.

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Okay, tell me about Petra please!

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Spire returns today for the penultimate episode! Our drow revolutionaries have infiltrated the Solar Basilica and are going to confront Calixte, the head of the Masked God's cult in Spire. 2pm Eastern at https://t.co/MjSdGalW8i!

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Bonus: Mocha decided to sleep in.

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Pika! Pika! Ready to watch some Detective Pikachu with !

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