

Aspiring Voice Actor | Voice of Trunks in Dragon Ball: Deliverance | Real Life background character | Capitol G lover | Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:309 フォロワー数:262

Crazy how probably the 3 most popular shonen characters of all time are all voiced by women as well. Happy

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I know zebra from Toriko never got an official dub voice. But I really hope you guys got that way it would be him talking 3 ways between Zebra, Vegeta, and Zoro. 😂

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I hope we see this eventually, kinda just like in original secret wars.

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Jacen Wade: “oh hey, it’s yuuko! It’s been a while.”

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Bro no, lol Namor has stood toe to toe with hulk and sentry, made Thanos bleed, and held off all the avengers. You don’t honestly believe that whole “marvel wiki base 100 tons” thing do you?

1 18

Hope there referring to this.

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How could they forget my boi Dandy!?

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You know who needs a new suit.
Captain America. I love his classic suit, but idk I just feel he should go back to his marvel NOW suit. That was my favorite suit.

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Any hold a candle to the King in Black.

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