persona en situacion de paraguayさんのプロフィール画像

persona en situacion de paraguayさんのイラストまとめ

kang jaehee akgae

フォロー数:1375 フォロワー数:1236

“If you look for me, I am right behind you
Casting a shadow of what could’ve been”

This song would be him I think he can get very bitter. Why did you ever make a promise if you would later break it. juminv song lol

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“The lights turn off and that’s when I know you
And now time has lost the battle
The lights turn off and that’s when I know you
And now time has forgotten what it was fighting for”

Not very creative I know but like. It’s about passion yknow

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“I didn’t know how to talk to you
I didn’t know how to begin
Nor did I know life would gift me days as presents”

It’s very fresh. That first love kinda feeling. The shyness that comes before the euphoria. Has his vibes

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Saeran: salesianito también o alguno de esos colegios religiosos para hipsters q tienen 10 alumnos por clase

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makes sense if u look at this 1 pic… they’re making jaehee taller in the new cgs lmao 😭

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