

Spatial CadetZ.. Multi-dimensional Motion Arts 〰 Mind-expanding Wiggly Magick 〰 Trippy Hippy 〰 Honorary Fellow @RavensbourneUK @GoGenieMo #PlayLabZ #PsychFi

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"MozFest's signature speaker series will explore how intersects with power, labor, truth, & other issues."

an untold truth & multi-dimensional narrative immersive experience 🌎🧠🌈 world premiere at first

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Mixed Reality Nuns, Jesus Rave Style, Cyber Rabbits, & Futique

What's the connection join the others for

With shortlisted & honoree artivists & experiences ⚡

9 14

"It looks amazing & unmissable!" Laura Gracia, Curator 2019

R U Cyber?

A tiny cyber glimse at the artists & experiences this Wednesday 13/11 at the 😉☮️👾⚡

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