

Hi, guys, I’m James, the Crazy Video Game Wizard, my account was @robnmccormack, now its @jamesm2022.…

フォロー数:3884 フォロワー数:1030

CVGWJames Stories that fit the criteria of No Way Home & Multiverse of Madness update (3):

-CVGW vs Evil Gamer
-Percy Jackson & The Legend of Zelda: Heroes Unite
-The Mondfuerher & the Shadowstika Portals
-Percy Jackson & The Legend of Zelda: Heroes Reunite -Multiverse War

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For a time, it was believed that SMG stood for Super Mario Glitchy. But following the defeat of Zero, it was revealed, to the shock of SMG3 and SMG4, that SMG stood for Super Meme Guardian. What a twist!

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"I love you, Red."
"Ima love you too, Meggy. Oh, mama mia..."

Away from prying eyes in the locker room, an Italian and a squid-turned human girl spend some time alone, kissing and making all the love they want to make. They're so happy together, lets not ruin that...

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Mario's funk was so intense it blew up the sound speakers, sending Melony flying. She landed on a nearby bush perfectly and the Old Man Hobo scored her landing a ten out of ten, wowza...

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Inspired by a scene from an issue of a Spider-Man comic, Peter sleeps with MJ after a night of lovemaking and is content with her as she completes him. Yup, MJ's so beautiful and Pete's a lucky guy.

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Get this, Greatest Movies Wiki called the SMG4 MOVIE: REVELATIONS the AVENGERS ENDGAME of It almost makes sense since both came out 11 years after the franchises they’re part of began and they all end a massive arc, but is REVELATIONS truly SMG4’s AVENGERS ENDGAME?

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At the start of The Cursed Tapes, Mario burst through the door with a megaphone in hand and called out to Luigi, saying that this was the time of day where the red Italian was going to cause problems for everyone. But nobody heard him...

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Mario defeated the ugly monster with the 1993 Mario movie and the defeated enemy dropped Meggy, the Italian caught his orange-haired friend in his arms and they had a moment to smile at each other. Mario genuinely cares for Meggy despite his mental state.

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The second boss of Good Egg Galaxy, King Kaliente can only be defeated by hitting watermelons back at him. He returns again as a servant of Bowser Jr in a later galaxy.

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"Believe in the light, Mario..."

Based on "If Mario Was In Disney", the SMG4 episode of 5/21/2022, Mario wields the Keyblade as dark forces surround him. But... Is he worthy?

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