

Hi, guys, I’m James, the Crazy Video Game Wizard, my account was @robnmccormack, now its @jamesm2022.…

フォロー数:3884 フォロワー数:1030

Two illustrations of scenes for SONIC MANIA: THE PHANTOM RUBY KING, Knuckles meets the Phantom Ruby King and Classic Eggman gets the Phantom Ruby after the former enemy is defeated...

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Well, well, well. Looks like Senbo's week just got a little nuts after he had to part ways with his girlfriend, especially when his Inkling self from another world arrives. Can these two Senbos get along? For

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Set after IF MARIO WAS IN SPLATOON 3, the police and Nintendo's team are after SMG4, Mario and Meggy, who successfully get Luigi's memories back, and the heroes must escape the Inkling city without getting caught.

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Looks like Saiko still likes cats. While visiting Inkopolis at some point after Splatfest, Saiko meets with Judd and gets to hold Li'l Judd, tears of joy roll down Saiko's cheek due to how cute the Judd clone is and seeing the happiness of this cute scene makes Judd cry too.

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Regarding the idea of Sonic Frontiers laying the foundation for the next ten years of Sonic, I don’t have a problem with that, but I wouldn’t call it the Frontiers era as that’s stretching it too much and likely a misconception just like the 20 years of Adventure lore deal.

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Scooby got mistaken for a dangerous hyena and was locked up in a cell where he ran into Harley Quinn herself. However, their captors underestimate the power of a dog. Never build a cell over a dirt area...

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Four illustrations for my buddy Classicgamer9821999's Sonic/Harley short story Sonic & Harley's Day Out depicting the hedgehog and Joker's ex-accomplice on their beach date & fighting Eggman.

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Mr. Grizz is stirring up trouble and the world is in danger, Mario and Inkling Meggy must stop him.

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Octavio's forces are after Mario and they've surrounded him in the Mushroom City park, Mario is confused and there is gonna be a lot of craziness here in a few seconds...

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After all that trouble with Senbo and Aibo, the SAIKO band's gone on vacation and they've sent a post card from that sweet tropical paradise they're at. For

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