

Game Design 👨‍🎓 @DEHIVE_Berlin

📧: hello(at)jankaercher.com
📁: jankaercher.tumblr.com
📷: jan_kaercher

フォロー数:271 フォロワー数:86

I really liked the values of a sketch I did, so I went end rendered it 😊 Trying to give my characters more expression and make them more interesting. I'm still not where I wanna be in regards of painting, but I'm getting there!

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Finished this one in a single run. Took me like 7 hours.
I'm experimenting a lot with Line art right now. Guess Kim Jung Gi is just too inspiring to me 😅 I also watched the 1997 Berserk anime while drawing, which explains the morbid vibe.

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Just finished this new illustration! Quite satisfied with the Values and Colors ☺️
I always loved 1920th expedition films like the mummy. A lot of inspiration came from that!

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I mean It's kinda cute ngl

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More hue variation reallygives faces more depth!
glad I'm finally figuring out Hues to a point where I don't need to start with Black and white.

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