

All for ONE
Your Name (Kimi no Na wa) is my most favourite movie&fiction

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I interest in Co-Op High Difficulty Quests After Kulve on September and ??? on October may add these epic monsters for this kind of quests?

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ยิ่งยืนองค์จอมขวัญ ดวงตะวันในหทัยเหนือเกล้า
สถิตสูงสุดสวรรค์เหนือกาลเวลา จอมทัพเทวาผู้เลิศเหนือทั้งปวง
ข้าพระพุทธเจ้าขอถวายใจจงรัก ภักดีมั่นแม้นกี่ชาติไม่เลือนหาย
ความรักของเรายิ่งใหญ่เกินพสุธา สุดขอบฟ้าไม่มีผู้เทียบเทียม

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Thais Skilled fighters're well known as most dangerous fighters. This obvious seem in videogames for long time. So don't mess with Thais.

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I hope trailer of 2 Variant coming this week.Indeed, I want it today.
Expect that 2 will be pink waifu Rajang & Eva 01 Brachy (these far better than Furious and Raging)
or sapphire emperor Rathalos & gold rush Diablos.

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Most wanted to know's How many large mons add on ICEBORNE. I think 16 or more's good, at least 12.
If there're a new Siege quest, I want very large mons as Lao-Shan Lung, Dire Miralis, Gogmazios and Dalamadur. Capcom'd make them bigger than previous games.

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