jass barbierさんのプロフィール画像

jass barbierさんのイラストまとめ

Visual Artist. Photographer. I DO NOT WORK WITH AI.

フォロー数:1451 フォロワー数:1570

This is the EIGHTH PIECE!. The Room of the Broken Chairs, Series.

8 18

Thinking about Ridley's World. One of my favorite film directors for his fictional themes about the future of humanity and the relationship we have with technology. We will have an uncertain tomorrow, but even so, our primitive selves will subsist and always feed on our remains.

17 28

Hi Trevor. This is a great opportunity you are giving us. I am a visual artist, I use photography and 3d modeling as a base for my work. Here is a sample of it.

8 15

But! this story started from nothing. I was an ignorant, a techno-illiterate! I decided to start reading about these topics and learn because my fascination for machines was stronger. So, little by little I got to know this huge universe!

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After a long time I am rediscovering an old obsession: drawing! Between the recent collages and the digital drawing I can't leave my chair or my computer!! The obsession is back!!
WIP. New collection!

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Still working hard! Several days immersed in the design of new machines that will be part of living beings, organisms, human beings. I am destroying old technical walls. New frontiers have opened for me....

9 26

Design and 3D modeling for reconnaissance drone.

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