

Z-Warrior, Certified Personal Trainer/Sensei, Legally a Lord, DigiDestined, I also make Edutainment videos. 600k+ Subs (Business Email) [email protected]

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# primal

Even Killua sees you'd need a Chainsaw to cut through all this sexual tension 😂

38 246

I need to go to bed cause I've been cackling at this for the last half hour

13 100

I love the fact that Baki’s Creator’s son is the dude who made Beastars 👏🏾 funfacts like those make me smile 😄

11 129

When Your Opinion is a Hot Take you won't back down from.

69 263

One thing I'm happy they didnt do in F*CKIN My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic FOR ONCE is Redeem the final villains, Sure this series Redeemed quite a few But I love the lesson of "Yeah...No, Some Mothaf*ckas will NEVER CHANGE & need to be put down permanently"

35 215

Havin F*ck Buddies be like

62 338

YOOO WAS SOME BRUTAL, METAL AF BEAUTY! And I loved every second of it!!
Can’t wait for the next episode!

12 74

Kamina’s catchphrase hits my heart lik
"Wow, u dont believe in urself? Im not gonna tell u that youre wrong for feelin that way, but I believe in you. If u believe in me too, we can support each other where we need it most & maybe one day youll see in yourself what I see in you."

64 223

No offense but I didn't ask your

38 167

Ya don’t need to lose 10 lbs in a month cause honestly Obsessing over being PERFECTLY HEALTHY ain’t necessarily the most healthy thing you can do. Take your time and get 1% better each day and you'll go far! momentai!

16 110