

Jaynoonies 🇨🇳🇺🇸 ♪ 22 ♪ Discourse free ♪ Anime and food enthusiast ♪ Let's just relax~🌸🌸🌸

フォロー数:329 フォロワー数:1189

[Sheith] His feelings never changed 💕

451 794

[Voltron] Surrounded by all of his loved ones, Shiro celebrates his birthday happily.

708 1377

Here’s something smol for the good boi. Happy belated Birthday Keith!

148 335

[Kimetsu no yaiba] Taisho secret: I’ve heard Nezuko loves it when her brother pets her head 🤭#DemonSlayer

16 33

[Sheith] It’s Keith appreciation time!! Go give your Keef some lovin 💕💕💕

860 1418



[Sheith] Shiro accidentally falls asleep on their date but Keith doesn’t mind.

1080 1713

[Sheith] Cute boys doing cute things

959 1466

[Sheith] Unintentional Flirting

411 917