jaypzriot DOKIDOKI! Rebirth is finally here.さんのプロフィール画像

jaypzriot DOKIDOKI! Rebirth is finally here.さんのイラストまとめ

artist, dreamer, gamer - likes anime, jrpgs, fighting games please do not steal my artwork (they're all I have) I hope you have a great day!

フォロー数:1473 フォロワー数:714

"A Reunion fulfilled" Just reposting old art to test the new tall crop.

17 51

" Friends from Avalanche- the Wutai Special Forces would like to thank you for your contribution to our cause! Hee-hee!"

still can't find a PS5 in our area... 😂

11 39

" Touch me and die..." Do Ha Na from Uncanny Counter (action kdrama series) I've been watching this series and really enjoying the theme of fighting evil spirits (much like one of my favorite anime - YuYu Hakusho)

1 10

" I'll protect you; stay close to me..."
" I'm not some princess that needs to be coddled! But thank you 🥰"

this may be my absolute favorite style of painting digitally

painted on PS

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" This time, I'll be able to keep my promise to you..."

Happy Valentines Day!!! 😍😍😍

digital painting (PS)

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"Life may not always give us what we want; but it's okay; as long as we give it our best, right?"

semi realistic Chizuru from Rent a Girlfriend (wip)

back to digital painting practice (PS)

7 18

"I've waited a whole lifetime to have these moments and cherish you again..." painted directly in CSP.

32 76

My very last artwork for 2020. I am thankful to each and every one of you for inspiring me this year. Wishing everyone a blessed and happy New Year 2021! ❤️😍🙏#lastdayof2020

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