

Artist - Illustrator - Comicbook Artist

Work enquiries - [email protected]

フォロー数:136 フォロワー数:787

Been watching a lot of compilations recently, stumbled across this gem. I laughed for a good 5 minutes. Thank you 🤘

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Full image of the edition 'Avengers X Sentai' prints that are currently available for sale 🤟 x

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A Jester I drew ages ago and probably won't get around to finishing properly. Drawn as a congratulations on knocking their Kickstarter goal "out of the park" get it? Baseball reference . . . . sports 👍

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So for the past year or so I've been working with a great team to create a comicbook adaptation of the history of the Newport Chartists. Now we finally have a date set for launch! July 12th! Thanks and for running stories.

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'I will always be Lemillion!' - vol 19 of was heart breakingly badass. will always be my favourite, but Mr. Mirio Togata is a very, VERY, close second. This got too real . . . farts x

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I always try to highlight the personality of each character I draw, plus, beefy eyebrows❤️

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It's been far too long since I've done some The beefy boys coming in strong x

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Putting the together. Was trying to but popped out

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