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24 Feb 1668: Samuel Pepys sees Thomas Kyd's the Spanish Tragedy at the Nursery Theatre #otd (BM)
18 Feb 1455: d. Bl. Fra Angelico #Dominican #painter #otd - who was declared patron of Catholic artists in 1984.
Mother and child at a toy stall.
A scene familiar to pretty much everybody.
(From Jacob Cats' "Spiegel vanden Ouden ende Nieuwe Tijd", first edition published in The Hague: 1632. British Museum)
The young drinker, Hendrick Goltzius, c. 1590 - 1610 (Rijksmuseum) He's trying to get two drinks down his neck at once.
This is not an unknown desire.
Lily, c. 1475
Attributed to Andrea del Verrochio
(Royal Collection Trust, HM EII)
Looking back just over a century later on Jane Grey's execution #otd 12 Feb 1554, here's Jan Lukyn c. 1664-1714 as part of a series on the executions of noble historical figures.
(British Museum)
12 Feb 1424: Joan Beaufort m. James I King of #Scots #otd at St Mary Overie Church in #Southwark.
She was regent of Scotland 1437-39.
Portraits of 17-year old and then 19-year old conjoined twin brothers Giovanni Battista and Lazzaro Colloredo.
In 1635 in Cologne by Wenclesaus Hollar, with description in German.
In 1637 when they visited London, with anti-Catholic verses in Latin.
(British Museum)