

フォロー数:546 フォロワー数:3250

When they shatter. Phosphophyllite fan art

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Nomad Tier 2 Harpy and Sky Queen patch note v2.39 is out! Check out our birb-girls with extra fluffy hair.🦅 (Fun fact: I recorded and mixed my voice for their laugh SFX😅)

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Team Akitos (players: Kingdanzz and Ashton Butcher) is the winner of Masters Cup II! The winners are playing a show match against the devs and . Tune in !

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The keyword for Azeria was a merciless shark queen. She is a commander and a queen who will crush anyone that oppose the legion of Atlantean. She may look beautiful outside, but don't expect any humanlike emotions from her.

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Here are the portrait icon and concept art of Priestess of the Abyss. She was inspired by anglerfish living at the bottom of the ocean. She is a wicked young leader who devotes her life to serving Hydra and her race. She trains to be chosen as Azeria.

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Instagram selfie vs DMV photo
2.34 Patch is full of goodness, but most importantly, Wale is now cute and matchs his 3d model.

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The game-dropping bug is finally fixed! Big shout-out to jitsuc4 for reproducing the bug and to everyone who reported the issue. The best way to help us when tracking down these bugs is in the order of repro>video>screenshot>log. We can sleep again!😭

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Hydra's eggshell is made of azurite, a mystical gemstone which protects the unborn Hydra embryo inside the egg. After birth, empty egg shells are collected and used for making the weapon and armor for higher tier warriors of the Atlantean legion.

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New mercenary, Siege Ram is out! This unit was heavily inspired by a battering ram, except it would be used against army and not a castle gate. Check out patch note 2.31

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You can support our Masters Cup II for FREE by entering the coupon code "ltd2", or clicking event sponsor links in … . Every cent helps the tournament! will be matching 1:1 all contributions up to $200 💰

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