

20+ years of art/animation, thanks to God. Perfect Pet comic:… jettmanas on YouTube & Wattpad.
Commissions possible, depending.…

フォロー数:106 フォロワー数:358

Thanks for the art support in 20121. The top 4, based on likes- Carmen Sandiego (cast)
Yumi- Code Lyoko
Tigress- Carmen Sandiego
Aelita- Code Lyoko
Happy New Year. 🙂

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Crossover- l to r: Megan (A. Spiez), Iris (Lolirock), Sam (MB Club), Jessica (Gormiti), Diana (Martin Mystery), Yoko (Team Galaxy) & Sam (T.Spies). Seen any? Who are your favs? 🙂Rights to Marathon.

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Request for Grant and Angeline for the person who's commissioned me for art more than anyone. Extra tough due to tablet issues. Hope you enjoy.

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Request for an enemy from the classic '92 game Warriors of Fate. Rights to Capcom.

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Last of three artworks for a fic I co-wrote: What If Totally Spies Had Marvel Superpowers- on & now on Wattpad: Rights to Marvel & Marathon.

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Adam & Krass from the He-Man CG Netflix show. Not sure if many saw it or will like this, but , a teacher from Animation Academy worked on the original series & I got inspired. 🙂Rights to Mattel TV.

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Max and Alora- Original characters request in Young Justice style. Hope you enjoy.#originalcharacter

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Sinon from Sword Art Online (II). A fav character. Discovered the series & am nearing the last half of Alicization. Rights to A-1 Pictures.

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Guilty Gear: Strive- Leo. I enjoy fighting games, but don't do art of them much. My main in Strive, & though I'm not great, enjoyed him since Xrd. My Strive vids:… Rights to ASW.

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Monsuno- finished watching this US/Japan collaboration. Good art & fun characters! Jinja's a fav. 🙂Rights to Dentsu Ent, Jakks Pacific, & Topps Co.

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