

art & fandom account for @jellifisk. currently into gacha games and other miscellany- please block as you need, i intend to do the same

フォロー数:32 フォロワー数:36
# jjk

If anyone deserves a smoke after a long day, it's nanamin.

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a stupidly rough doodle. Everyone says the seelies remind them of bunnies, but they make me think of my chinchillas, more.

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another kind of sloppy aether fueled by my desire to have kero!paimon

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Kain high wind for ,,, is this painfully rough. Yes, but it the most serviceable of the eight drafts I’ve done. Sorry it took so long, dear, he is very neat, tho, as you had said

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a sieg for the always wonderful !!! sorry hes grumpy omg

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A rough doodle of one of my sprite ocs, who currently goes by scooter.

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I wanted to try my hand at Reiji Kotobaeki from Utapri!! >vo He's a real sweetie so I snatched some time in between all the other things that were up this week. also. Hello!! It's snort anon! It's been a very long time since I've drawn a suit jacket- Forgive me!

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There are so many things i should be working instead but here i am trying to figure out Paintstorm Studio by painting clowns

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First post here is a rough sketch of my favorite foxy ladies in FGO! I'll have to try and do a bigger painting of this later.

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