

all art posted is my own. no reposts please
print link in bio :)…

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My Etsy shop will be closing on June 9, and will not return for a few months. I’ll also be scaling down a bit here as I move to work on some bigger projects for my senior year in college and afterwards :) thank you all so much for the support for my art this year <3

36 241

If you legitimately believe or hc them as anything but bi, unfollow me. Thanks.

5 74

A very happy pride month :) feat. My favourite canon bisexuals of all time 🤲

74 438

Are you sure you don’t want some company in the Southern Water Tribe?

270 1934

To disappear into you is so easy
Achilles and Patroclus

49 186

It’s also them though 🤲

20 143

Just this once

25 121