

Commissions open! Check out my game @CryptidKitchen!
She/her | late 20s
Also jellyskink on BlooooooSki

フォロー数:550 フォロワー数:109

Portfolio day?! Hey, maybe something will come of joining in! Probably not, but it would be nice (๑•᎑•๑)

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Is there anything more satisfying than Big Cartoon meat? I suppose I'll never know! This is for , featuring a character, Ruby, designed by

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Blue is my favorite Diamond. She's sad and gentle and has a great design!

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Zea, One of my oldest characters! She used to just be Z, and didn't wear clothes... along with a number of other (mostly small) design changes. She still has the same powers, though! She can also still make portals.

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My dad and step mom's two lovely dogs, Rosie and Renata, as pupcakes! Rosie is a pink champagne/rose/bubblegum cupcake, while Renata is a chocolate caramel pecan/almond cupcake! This took a long time, but I really think it's worth it in the end U ´ᴥ` U

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Here's an early present for my friend, Hannah! She runs the comic Simple Bear, which you can find on Smackjeeves. This is Sepia, a major character from the comic!

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Here's a reference for my boy Ragdoll! He's one of my oldest characters, redesigned over the years. He's an American hikikomori tech genius with anger issues and many fears/aversions, including: flesh, his own blood, most people, germs/dirt/grime. He is also very small and fluffy

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Here's a Galaxy Moxie! It's a birthday present for my nephew, who loves the moon and his cat, Moxie. Here's hoping he likes it!

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Here's an early birthday present for a friend, featuring a model I made of his character, Ruka! It was made using Zbrush, which I'm still learning. I hope you enjoy!
You can find the artist this is for as Khayos-Rave on Deviantart and Ravecchia on Furaffinity

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Here's the second card I made for the deck! It's the knight of wands, featuring Dedan!

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