

silly art | 18↑ | ✕ ᴀɪ | silly vids▶️→youtube.com/jeminix2 |💼order commissions→jeminix2.carrd.co CLOSED

フォロー数:1375 フォロワー数:25702

I’ve made like way too much art out of pure emotion lmao but here are some of my favs https://t.co/VA2rHtnjKJ

3 11



Oh word thanks for the tag? I enjoy your brushwork 8) here are ma faces

Uh— I tag YOU🫵🏻 https://t.co/CdLpjMVRcw

9 66



How it feels to play warframe

1 35

Am I late? Do your worst if you are able to ^v^;;;

0 0

Have fucking four because my art is a constant identity crisis💀💀💀 https://t.co/VpJX8zeSvq

8 144

I made alts because I can’t commit to one, but which one would make the best print????

3 41

👻 HIM ♥️🥰♥️

198 794

Me and my friend have our OCs shipped 👉🏻👈🏻 they have a monochrome silver gold purple motif~ the last pic is drawn by my friend and the first two are mine!

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