

ㅡ a carat @pledis_17 and mom of twelve fluffballs🐱

フォロー数:5351 フォロワー数:8207

아아아아아아아아아아아앟 생일축하한다 우리 이찬🎂🎁🎈 그동안 넘고맙고 항상 고맙고 영원히 도 넘고맙다! 사랑행💕

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now we carats can boast that we won the best dance performance yay

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Best New Female Artist▶

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tvN is currently playing the latest mvs during break which is great

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dont think i can ever stop crying bcs seventeen is so amazing they are amazingㅜㅜ

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and dont forget to stream 박수!! melon, genie, youtube, spotify etc

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carats go vote for seventeen now if you havent bcs they're currently 3rd;; vote!!

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woooo 짝짝짝짝

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명호야 많이 컸다ㅜㅜ 그동안 엄청 힘두렀지? 태어나줘서 넘고맙고 셉틴 멤버라서도 넘고맙고 모두 다~~~ 고마웠어❤ 앞으로도 꽃길만 걸어가자 우리🌸 춤도 마이마이 해!! 생일축하해 IMMAㅋㅋㅋ

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guysss i got accepted into a university!!!! after 171627829 yearsㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

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