

Artist. I like Evil Dead and Alan Wake.

フォロー数:315 フォロワー数:6724

Completionist Battletoads thumbnail, start to finish. This one especially started out as a mess.

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I actually drew stuff just for me, on a stream no less. A little Ash and a Columbo.

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Now Drawing an Ash if that's something you'd like to watch

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I drew a Columbo and accidentally made him look like Spike from Cowboy Bebop. Whoops.

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And got to do some work for Chilluminati which hey has that been Alex Faciane the whole time???!!!

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I've also gotten to do side work for a couple channels like OSW and Razbuten, and of course I always make time to help out Norm (GamingHistorian) whenever he requests.

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Why yes, I was inspired by on this one.

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