

🔞(ノ*゚ー゚)ノ//ooga booga//
Actively problematic//COMMISSIONS OPEN

フォロー数:751 フォロワー数:8708

human donald chanels that ben affleck smoking pic

1 6

an absolute himbo.

2 14

death by titty. RIP donald.

10 36

was anyone going to tell me that the donald duck had a himbo boyfriend? or was i just supposed to find that out for myself on some random twitter post?

5 19

Thank you to everyone who donated yesterday! I still have a ways to go, but i really appreciate the help you guys are giving me!

I am still working, but I'll try to draw some more to keep bringing you guys content 😊💛

3 10

here's some naga shiro and kuron for the people who donated to my Ko-Fi today but didn't request anything.
Support me on Ko-fi!

26 67

I don't really know what this is, but i want to say witch au?

Support me on Ko-fi!

52 179

this sasuke is very lovely, but i am too tired to finish him ....zzz

0 3

this was the first fan art i ever drew for ya about 2 years ago :)

5 14