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Hello guys, so to save any confusion, you initially followed me as Jimmy ☣️.

I have renamed my account to align with what my content will be moving forward. I understand if you want to unfollow if you don't like the anime vibes. I appreciate your support and thank you.

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Thanks so much guys for your well wishes in this time of sadness. I appreciate you all 💜

This one is for you mum, Pink will be looked after too

Love you 💜

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One Word Prompt Of The Day

Today's word, a suggestion from


Left is Midjourney
Right is Nijijourney

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Well you all know Violet is the hero in my story so here is Violet if this story where an anime series

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Violet still remembers that very day. Her father passed his sword and as they touched hands for the very last time, the words she struggled to understand for so long finally made perfect sense. The more she thought about him, his teachings where building her for this very moment

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