emmee is kind of getting better!さんのプロフィール画像

emmee is kind of getting better!さんのイラストまとめ

beh, pokèmon e fumetti direi (she/her) - concept/comic artist 💫 art account @ventitresei

フォロー数:926 フォロワー数:2383

Io so che non dovei disegnare cose senza ref perché ci metto secoli a correggere ma piano piano sto applicando le cose che sto imparando e for once non mi fa così schifo

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In the meantime, this is my art account! Lotsa more comics here if you’d like to check it out, would mean a lot to me https://t.co/soyEdUycZn 💞

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hello i find it difficult to live a balanced life without constantly feeling like i should only draw and anything else is time i could spend drawing and i blame this fucker
i either do too much or too little no in-between

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First time drawing myself in comics vs now

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U can bet che se fossi uomo avrei capelli lunghi e man bun

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tried to see how far i could go with my storytelling without using words. i'm currently developing a story with these two cuties and i can't wait to get to work on it!! i love my elf girlfriends so much

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Sending commissions updates always makes me anxious but then i say “bitch ure no hairstylist u change things if they dont like it” and it’s usually everything’s fine and im just overthinking lmao

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Quanto cazzo è difficile la teoria del colore im sCREAMING E NON DOVREI PERDER TEMPO

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Eh ero indecisa tra quello o uno di questi quattro (la c l’ho ricolorata con due varianti simili) aaa

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