

Jingle/Bell🌿she/her🌿20🌿main interests: fire emblem, the x-files, doctor who, torchwood, dghda, pokemon, NGE + a lot more🌿I like to draw cats!🌿

フォロー数:1017 フォロワー数:381

Ema Skye is done with your shit.

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klavier has long fur tufts on the back of his legs and when he was a kitten he would constantly trip over them. like his fur was so long as a kitten but I think he'd probably get it shaved so it's more like medium fuzz? like more than a peach but less than a longhair cat

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owa owa im jingle I make map parts and I like catifying and I love to make friends and meet people and I still don't have many different art examples haha

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worlds most uncharacteristically friendly Diego Armando

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I always draw my fave facial expressions when im drawing Mia Fey lol

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catified klavier because aa4 is good so far. this is the third time I've tried to post this I hope the image can be normal this time

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*scurries away* I just think the Ema Skye maybe..perhaps. maybe. perhaps

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