

robin/katrina ⭐they/them⭐ @ylisseantactics art acc i just rt my art from there⭐

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:3104

i love my super cool girls! and boyo

58 155

kiss kiss fall in alove-a

608 1015

everyone is already catching legendaries and im still here with my literal babies which, i love and adore

13 87

those 2 homies may not be very good at stealing pokemon but they are good at.. stealing my heart,

129 250

i reached 5000 on tumblr and 800+ here! thank you so much everyone ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

16 69

kakyogreen and jotared

36 61

anons asked for both of them in tiddy sweaters

1026 1581

a quick thing for the birthday boy!!

81 131

dan red your bobbies

79 168

red says hi to all the mimikyus

659 740