

EN/日本語/TH 絵を描きます/コスプレ! Multi-Instrumentalist: Gt./Ba./DJ. All of my work(Cos/Illust) must be credited when reposting.

フォロー数:183 フォロワー数:1532


18 149

氷川 紗夜 -
白金 燐子 -

I know it's early. still, Thank you for an amazing year to all followers.

and to Zevi, I love you and thank you for the amazing last half of 2022.

53 160

i feel very gay and i love it

3 28

2021 vs 2022

( ´ ▽ ` )

3 63

maybe when she sprained her foot she teleport to another universe then return with this.

25 152


3 37