

Jisu Support Page | 15 #aslfua

フォロー数:1434 フォロワー数:993

Maybe fullbody or headshot for 70k rhd or 700 robux1🌬

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Maybe they are like fish

0 1

Pls its so funny ti me the way i made sara

0 0

“R u winning son”

The way I drew it is so horrible I hate it y did my 12 am mind say “wow so good!! Post.”

1 6

Art Trade 1/3 from a didcord moot Aki !! (He allowed me to post this on twitter)

Likes, RTS appricated❤️❤️

4 14


Im not sure its 12 am ok but i just thought “what would happen if Kokomi d13/) in the war and Sara saw her fall as she got caught in it“

4 33