

Collector | NFA

フォロー数:959 フォロワー数:2577

Coodle Community = Best Community 💜🌈

0 4

Morning reindeer fam 🦌💜

1 6

Love having you in the family 💜🌈

0 6

How about a whole loodle of coodles??

2 6

Haven’t bought a yet?

✅ Sold out in 24 hrs
✅ Over 2.8k Volume in less than 72 hrs
✅ Community wallet full of and for Coodle holders
✅ Acquired land in Sandbox next to
✅ All organic growth from community driven support
✅ Team is 🔥

21 45

You said Doodle, well what about Coodle? 💜🌈

1 13

Without a doubt the hottest project of the week!


1 2