jo marchさんのプロフィール画像

jo marchさんのイラストまとめ

Artist in a big grey village along the Tamar Valley. ThingDave, 2grow'd kids, 2dogs, tired eyes and eternal optimism. With Marine House At Beer Gallery, Devon.

フォロー数:760 フォロワー数:6097

He spied her through his trembling glass,
His mussel in her hands,
He made his fortune sailing ships,
She made hers selling clams
He gave her jewels, gowns and gold, a town house and a flunky,
He made of her a mistress proud,
She made of him a monkey

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Early dark, the wind shut out, the yard shut up and the beasts fed. The fire glowing and silence but for the ticking of the old kitchen clock. Some days he sees no one and in thoughts, slow and deep, he lives a quiet life.

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When all is safely gathered in and every cabbage sings its Harvest Festival song.. September Under The Hill off to Beer next Saturday

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Lady Westcott's Ecstacy
The oily heat of the candelabra, the delirium of brash company and a hand of cards and, god wot, the new footman's unnerving squint.. Twas all too much .. Off she went like the King's rocket...

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WIP Man and dog and squinting in off the peg specs.

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Freedom or country pursuit?
Abel's Walk and the Adventurers ..he, she and the prime moving dogges

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Farmer Wants A Wife. Harvest time, the stooks are golden flames tight bound, the sun goes down beyond the woods and Wesley has a throat full of dust and a heart full of lust and lonesome longing

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The shadow of stooks and hedges, silence but for the crackle of a straw breast as she presses, hears the earth's heart beneath her boots. A tryst unseen by the dozing villagers, by the sleeping farmdogs, by the dreaming sheep, illuminated only by the watchful eye of the Moon.

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Stay awake, Grandma, the fairies want your baby...

4 12

If Tunbridge Wells won't come to The Hill, The Hill must go to Tunbridge

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