

フォロー数:449 フォロワー数:728

Amazing art, mystery graffiti artists, utility (nesting) and awesome community. Plus, we sold out in 40min and got top 5 on OS 🦆

28 43

Awesome community. NFT with utility. Wordwide famous artists. Check out

2 5

Hit top 5 on OS, sold out in 40min. Dope art from WORDWIDE famous graffiti and digital artists (yet to be revealed)...

5 6

We are always open to new members! Quack with us 🦆

3 4

That's an EZ question 👉

Hit top 5 on OS, sold out in 40min. Dope art from WORDWIDE famous graffiti and digital artists (yet to be revealed). Awesome community. NFT with utility (nesting, WL for exclusive collec...).

5 7